
Of Onion Skins and Local Linens

The weaver has just returned from Europe. It was her first time, she explains somewhat giddily—a belated honeymoon. The couple packed five countries into three weeks, and now they’re about to move house too. But Lizz Berry still has time … Continue reading

Industrial Chic Terrarium Takes DIY to a Whole New Level

Terrarium isn’t like other bars, and Rob Sinnott isn’t like other bartenders. While many high-end cocktail establishments use foraged ingredients in their libations, and while many of Portland’s restaurants draw inspiration from our natural surroundings, Rob’s Tupperware of wild greenery … Continue reading

Builder-Turned Sculptor Dave Allen’s Logic-Defying Work

I first encountered the work of David Allen at one of June LaCombe’s sculpture exhibitions on her farm in Pownal. As I approached the piece I could appreciate how skillfully and exquisitely the granite had been cut, shaped, and polished. … Continue reading

Maine Potter Tim Christensen Looks to the Future

Not every artist has an origin story, but Tim Christensen does. The year was 1998, and the former poetry major had just been laid off from his job selling law textbooks. “I knew I wasn’t cut out for the corporate … Continue reading

Full Spectrum Alchemist

“It’s not magic,” says David Johansen, who is perhaps better known by his online persona, Neon Dave. “I have a pet peeve with that word. I get why people want to call this magical because it’s cool, but everything we … Continue reading

Risky Business

The artist stands on a piece of plywood in the middle of the frame. It’s night, and the lighting is fluorescent, turning the walls of the gallery a sickly yellow. Shadows on the wall reveal the presence of a crowd: … Continue reading