Design Theory

Builder Alan Gibson of GO Logic on the Future of Construction

“The future of building is with lower embodied carbon materials, higher performing envelopes, and off-site construction.” MH+D ASKS GIBSON TO TELL US MORE. Q. When did GO Logic start using prefabricated products in building their passive homes? A. GO Logic … Continue reading

Building on Beauty

“As an architect, I’ve often, if not too often, used the word ‘beautiful’ to describe buildings, spaces, and materials that I have found to be appealing. In truth, it’s because I want things to be beautiful.” MH+D ASKS MORRIS TO … Continue reading

Heart & Hand

“I believe that story is the fuel, the philosophy, the belief system, and, ultimately, the truth in everything we create.” MH+D ASKS NASH TO TELL US MORE. Q. Why illustration? A. At my core, I am a narrative artist. My … Continue reading

Work-Life Balance

“The workspace should feel like a home away from home where employees can be their best, most productive selves.” MH+D ASKS BALLARD TO TELL US MORE. Q. Tell us about the “resimercial” approach you took in your design of Knickerbocker … Continue reading

Continuing Ed

“It was a fantastic education for an architect with a passion for residential work, to learn how to frame and square a wall, frame a roof, install windows, build windows, build a kitchen, do roofing, run trim, and apply siding.” … Continue reading

Lindsay Stone

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

“I want to create objects that are haunting with sentiment for my viewer to hopefully feel too.” MH+D ASKS STONE TO TELL US MORE. Q. What is the biggest driver for your art? A. It’s expressing a feeling or emotion … Continue reading

Daring to Discover

“We’re able to get into both the macro and micro levels of a space to create a truly tailored and unique experience for our clients and their families or patrons.“ MH+D ASKS ASHEY TO TELL US MORE. Q. Can you … Continue reading

A profile photo of Stefan Rurak

Art And/Or Design

“It was the act of pushing my body to uncomfortable extremes, testing my limit, that was paramount to me. This is when I knew that this was a viable path to making a happy living, a journey where I could … Continue reading

Design Theory | Linda Meyers

“It’s finding the balance between tamed and wild.” MH+D ASKS MEYERS TO TELL US MORE. Q. Your home is incredible and filled with some iconic pieces. Would you say the interior of your home reflects your design ethos? A. Absolutely! … Continue reading