Color Play
“We love mock-ups, new wares, and novel combinations of true-and-tested materials. Our perennial quest is to reinterpret tradition with intriguing twists and irreverent juxtapositions,” proclaims interior designer Steven Gambrel about his design team in Steven Gambrel: Perspective (Rizzoli, 2018). It’s September, so that means it’s time to go back to school (or back to your office). A cluttered space can lead to a cluttered mind. Gambrel and his team designed the office shown here in an organized and unified fashion incorporating pops of color and materials. Paint an accent wall a soothing but unique color to offset basic white shelving. Mixing in small curiosities from your collection among horizontal and vertically displayed books personalizes the space. Also, never underestimate the power of a good desk set to remind the visitor that this is indeed a place of work.