April 2014

by Susan Grisanti, Editor-in-Chief
This issue is unlike any other we have published, and the team at 75 Market could not be more excited to share it with you. You hold in your hands the largest Maine Home+Design to date, the 7th annual Art Issue, our longest running themed issue. We begin work in earnest on this issue during a time when our flames tend to be running a bit low. When we, after a long winter, hunger most for springtime’s light and inspiration. Art shakes us out of our trances, and jointly wakes us up and calms us down—reminding us all to probe, examine, think, and feel.
We present to you the artwork and statements of more than 75 artists to not only admire, but to also incite your desire to tackle something that you feared you could not, to push yourself past discomfort to the exhilaration of experimentation and triumph of accomplishment.
While these last years have passed quickly, my desire and excitement to share the Maine art world with you has only intensified.
“In the end,” artist Scott Davis says, “I want to engage viewers as long as possible and leave them other than they were, if only for a moment.”
I hope that you experience many of these transformative moments while reading this month’s issue.