
Inside an Ogunquit Family Haven Built for Entertaining

Planning for the future, a Massachusetts couple creates an Ogunquit family haven It was a vision into the future,” says Melissa Serlenga of the Ogunquit home she and her husband, Jason, built for their family of two girls and a … Continue reading

A 100-Year-Old Camden Harbor Cottage Gets a Much Needed Update

Over a century ago, Maine’s foremost architect designed a summer home to look out over Camden Harbor. It was a fine example of John Calvin Stevens’s signature style: combining stateliness and elegance on a comfortable, human scale and being sensitive … Continue reading

2024 AIA Maine Design Awards

As Maine’s definitive design authority, MH+D is thrilled to showcase the winners of the state’s prestigious Design Awards distributed by the Maine chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA Maine). The awards, which recognize the incredible talents of Maine-based … Continue reading