
High Shine

What is the difference between high gloss and lacquer, if there is one?

There are two major differences between high gloss and lacquer: sheen and process. While both are glossy, reflective sheens, lacquer portrays an almost glasslike finish (think of a grand piano). A lacquer finish must be applied to a flawless surface free of bumps, cracks, and even dust. A blend of resins and solvents is then sprayed on; it dries quickly, creating a hard surface. High-gloss paint is a little more forgiving. It is self-leveling, meaning it can hide some imperfections and can be applied with a brush or roller. However, it dries much more slowly and doesn’t harden like lacquer.

What are the pros and cons to consider when using these finishes?

Both are easy to clean! That’s important when considering a finish for a bar or vanity. Lacquer is a very durable and hard finish that may hold up better over time than a high-gloss paint. Lacquer can be cost prohibitive because of the amount of work that goes into prepping the surface. It is also a specialized service that not every painter can offer, and the cost of lacquer is higher.

What are the benefits of using high-gloss or lacquer paint in an interior? How do you think it is best used?

Both finishes are highly reflective, so when used on walls, they enhance natural light during the daytime and create a lot of drama at night. Using a high-sheen finish on cabinetry draws your attention and adds dimension to the space.

How do you personally like to use this finish? Do you use it in your own home or design studio?

I tend to lacquer smaller spaces to add drama and interest. My go-to lacquer spaces are wet bars, vanities, and crown moldings that when lacquered, helps to enhance a painted or wallpapered ceiling. For full-room use, I would suggest a library or dining room with detailed wood panels.

How are your clients using this finish? Are there any trending styles?

My clients are all across the board—we have lacquered entire rooms, wet bars, kitchens, trim, and furniture! It all depends on how comfortable the client is with the effect and result. Some clients who are unfamiliar may think the look is too bold. However, it is my job to educate them and coordinate this process with the selected scheme and overall aesthetic we are trying to achieve.

In the end, my main goal is to create an elegant and timeless interior for my clients that is a reflection of their personalities, which both finishes can help to achieve. Fun fact: even George Washington was a fan of high-gloss walls!


A Library Grows Downeast

Simons Architects is working with the Jesup Memorial Library in Bar Harbor on a new addition to its historic 1911 building. The addition is the third phase of a four-phase plan for growth dating back to 2015, reflecting the library’s mission to “nourish minds, enhance lives, and build community.” Extensive restoration and rehabilitation work, as well as ADA accessibility and energy improvements, have already been made to the existing building.

This new 11,400-square-foot addition will almost double the size of the library and create three new entrances on two levels. A library is meant to be a safe harbor, so these new entrances are designed to be open and welcoming. The two-story connector to the existing building will have intuitive wayfinding and serve the community as an informal gathering space and viewing gallery. The lower level is community oriented, with a new multipurpose meeting room designed to seat up to 150 people and a makerspace classroom. The main level will house the relocated and expanded children’s and teen collections, with a storytime area, noisy/quiet study rooms, and directly adjacent restrooms.

The expansion also includes a new archive section dedicated to storing and maintaining historic maps of Acadia National Park as well as genealogical materials. There will be a classroom, public study area, archival research stations, and a digital lab.

The library has established environmentally responsible goals for a 100-year building for the addition, with a mass timber structure and a high-performance building envelope. The design will aim to minimize energy and water use as much as possible and provide the chance to reduce reliance on fossil fuels over time as systems are upgraded. Since the library is located in a moderate fly-through zone for bird migration, bird-friendly design strategies are being incorporated.

The new addition is “stepped back” from the existing library to celebrate its history and importance within the community while creating an inviting outdoor public space. Contemporary masonry and metal cladding were carefully selected to complement the existing building in their quality and materiality, but they are differentiated with the use of contrasting colors and large-format, contemporary glazing.   

Location: Bar Harbor

Architect: Simons Architects

Design Team: Scott Simons, FAIA, principal; Julia Tate, AIA, project manager; Matt Maiello, AIA, project architect; Sam Mellecker, designer

In collaboration with: Pamela Hawkes, FAIA, principal at Scattergood Design; Scott Whitaker, director of enclosure at LeMessurier (for existing building work) Mike Rogers, PLA, and Rob Krieg, PLA, at LARK Studio

Preconstruction Services: E.L. Shea Builders & Engineers

Construction Start: September 2023

Construction Completion: September 2025


Montblanc Meisterstück

My father, who worked in real estate, always had a gold Cross pen in his left shirt pocket. I learned at a young age that the type of pen you carry makes a statement. Like most kids in the ’80s and ’90s, I carried a Bic Cristal ballpoint (a pen with its own merits, but that’s for another Design Lesson). The pen of all pens was then, and still is, the Montblanc Meisterstück 149.

The fountain pens we know today became popular in the early twentieth century. They all use water-based inks (filling your pen with the wrong type of ink will ruin it) and have a reservoir for the ink. The reservoir can be built into the pen’s barrel, but today, a disposable ink cartridge is more common. The flexible metal tip at the end is the nib, with a tiny slit down its centerline, and it is tipped with a tiny ball made of an alloy of one of the
platinum-group metals.

The Meisterstück fountain pen was first introduced in 1924 by the company Simplo, which would later become Montblanc (after the name of the highest peak in the Alps). Meisterstück means “masterpiece,” and its design is luxurious: a black resin is used for the cap and barrel of the pen, “Meisterstück” is etched into the widest of the three gold rings that go around the base of the cap, and on the tip of the cap is the iconic white Montblanc emblem (a white star that represents the snowcap and six glacial valleys of Mont Blanc). The height of the mountain, which is 4,810 meters, is inscribed on the pen’s 18-carat hand-ground gold nib.

By the end of the 1920s, Montblanc was internationally known for its writing instruments. A lifetime guarantee was added in 1935 for the Meisterstück, and Montblanc began producing branded leather pen pouches, notebooks, and writing cases. Famous
Meisterstück users include President John F. Kennedy, Princess Diana, and President Barack Obama.

The final-year project for a young craftsperson training at Montblanc is to design a Meisterstück; it marks their transition from apprentice to master. Each Meisterstück 149 is individually crafted and can be customized with various point sizes and ranges of flexibility in the nib. The pen is 148 mm (5.8 inches) long by 16 mm (0.63 inches) in diameter, and it has changed little over the past hundred years, except for a specially developed resin that replaced the original celluloid. In 1994 the Meisterstück Solitaire Royal became the world’s most expensive fountain pen, adorned with 4,810 diamonds, each set by hand. Today you can learn even more about this iconic writing instrument by visiting the Montblanc nib-making factory and the Montblanc Museum in Hamburg, Germany.


All the Elements

When Elisa Castillo and Rob Solomon bought their East Boothbay property in 2019, the 15-acre parcel had sat on the market for a year. It was densely wooded, covered with scrubby growth, and run through with ledges that threatened to limit buildable lots; roads would have to be built, and electricity and water brought in. But the couple fell under its spell. “It’s a beautiful property with ridges, highs, lows, swamp, everything. We kept hiking through the property, and every time, we saw something totally different,” says Solomon. “It was disorienting. It was magic.” They purchased it and began to plan for a second home that would become a remote work location (Castillo is a psychologist and wellness dean at a public university, and Solomon is a solutions architect for a cybersecurity software company). Veteran travelers, they also wanted to put their Airbnb experience to use designing a home that could be rented when they weren’t using it. A hilltop offered the possibility of an ocean view, and they worked with Kaplan Thompson Architects to design a structure tall enough to see the water while conforming to local height limits. But as they spent more time on the property, they found themselves drawn to a different location: a grove of birch trees surrounding a large maple and spotted with vernal pools. They built a stone firepit there, set some Adirondack chairs around it, and changed their plan.

Putting their custom design on the shelf (for now), they began working with Kaplan Thompson’s sister firm, BrightBuilt Home, to customize a high-performance modular home. Site responsiveness was important to the couple, says Solomon: “I didn’t want a tabula rasa. I didn’t want to take an idea of a house and plop it down anyplace. I wanted to create something shaped around the place.” A modular home is, in fact, brought to the site largely complete, but that doesn’t get in the way of specificity, says architect Jessica Benner, who worked with the couple to modify the firm’s Sidekick model. With an eye toward matching the plans for the hilltop home, they switched the gable form for a shed roof and added clerestory windows under vaulted ceilings. The bedrooms were moved to opposite ends of the module to provide more privacy; the kitchen was converted to a galley. Most high-performance homes are south facing, says Benner, but in this case “the siting of the house has really beautiful views to the east, so we arranged the spaces so that all of that light and sun could come in on the east side.”

Once the design was complete, the home was constructed by KBS Builders in South Paris, while general contractor Mike White of Island Carpentry in Georgetown prepared the site. One of the efficiencies of modular construction is that the foundation can be poured while the walls and roof are being built, rather than in sequence. It can take only two weeks for the home to be constructed in the factory. Then, on “set day,” the home is delivered to the site and positioned by crane, under the supervision of the general contractor, who oversees a team of specialists. At that point, says Benner, 70 or 75 percent of the work is completed. “Once they deliver the module, it takes three months to finish these guys, on average,” says White. “If you build a house from scratch on a foundation, it might be five, six, seven months.” But for White, who has worked with BrightBuilt on around 25 homes, time savings are less important than resource conservation. Several years ago, motivated by the threat of climate change, he committed to building zero-energy homes, which produce all the energy they consume. “It’s the only thing I want to do. It’s the right thing to do, not only for the environment, but also for people’s pocketbooks. It saves money, particularly over a long period,” he says. Because modular construction creates cost savings, it makes zero-energy homes available to more people. “It’s been a mission of BrightBuilt to change the paradigm of modular, bringing high design to the modular industry. It’s meant to make the design and architecture and high performance more accessible,” says Benner.
“I firmly believe that modular is the construction method of the future.”

Finishing the home, for Castillo and Solomon, meant completing its ties to the outdoors. It is a small space—850 square feet—but they never imagined its walls as boundaries. Castillo grew up in Puerto Rico, where, she says, “everyone lives outdoors”; Solomon had a similar experience growing up in a Long Island, New York, beach town and had developed a deep love for the woods while attending summer camp in Maine. They worked with White to add an oversized deck and a separate structure that holds a sauna and outdoor hot tub, while designing a “forest garden” in the birch grove, using stones unearthed during construction. The interior design was “all about elevating natural elements,” says Castillo. They selected light wood trim, clear maple floors, a soapstone countertop, and a fireplace surround made of river stones to anchor the design in nature. Accents in a deep teal were matched to decaying wood they found on the property, which was stained by the green elfcup fungus. Castillo chose artworks that use elemental shapes—circles, squares, and rectangles—in playful ways, to create a calming effect. She hung round mirrors opposite the large windows to bring the forest into the interior and echo the moon motif that appears throughout the home.

The property, which carries the name Forest Spa Maine on Airbnb, was always intended as a retreat, but as construction proceeded during the COVID pandemic, it gained new meanings. By then, the couple had moved beyond camping out on the site: they had built a large platform topped by a Garden Igloo plastic dome tent, and they had also brought in a portable toilet and two-burner gas grill. “We came here every other weekend through that first summer of COVID,” Solomon recalls. “It helped preserve our sanity.” Castillo was heading up the COVID response at her university. “It was so intense,” she says. “We became very mindful of how hungry we are for retreat, escape, relaxation, and wellness. We wanted to create a space not just for us but for others to unplug, be with nature, go hiking, have that meditative experience that could be so healing.” Now that they have a space for themselves and for Airbnb guests, the couple is imagining next steps. They are planning their “third bedroom”—a small, off-grid structure that will expand the home’s capacity for guests. Perhaps they will take that model further, creating private areas for “glamping” around the property; perhaps they will create a wellness retreat. And there’s still that plan for the house on the hill. For now, Castillo says, they are deeply appreciating what they have built. “My favorite thing here is being in the hot tub, when you can see the Milky Way at night. It’s a small house, but you have access to the universe.”

Hide Away

Seamless storage options are key when designing a residence with a small footprint. This has proven true not only in our modern age of tiny living but for as long as boatbuilders have been crafting drifting homes and city dwellers have slept, eaten, and bathed in one compact space. From floating stairs to inventive built-ins to hidden storage compartments like the one shown above, Pretty Small: Grand Living with Limited Space (Gestalten, 2022) showcases residences that serve as inspired guides on how to set up a place of solitude with a reduced floor plan.

Here, architecture duo Claire Scorpo and Nicholas Agius of Agius Scorpo Architects took on a personal project to create a home for Agius in Melbourne’s historic Cairo Flats building. Designed in 1936 by Acheson Best Overend, the U-shaped building made up of studio apartments built around a central garden is one of the city’s most recognized architectural landmarks. Agius and Scorpo chose to maintain the ethos of Overend’s design—“maximum amenity at minimum cost and space”—while modernizing the unit and allowing two people to coexist with privacy.

Shown above is the studio’s “kitchen cabinet,” a multifunctional, transitional construction of recycled Victorian ash hardwood. Two doors—the left on a slide, the right on a hinge—open to reveal the kitchen and its various gadgets, tools, and ingredients, which, when the doors close, can all be tucked away while remaining easily accessible. A hidden moving panel above the sink, when opened, allows light to flow from the main living space to the bedroom, which is ingeniously made private by the kitchen’s sliding door.



3. LARGE HANDCRAFTED MAPLE CUTTING BOARD Block Brothers Custom Cabinets //




7. YOLK 2023-10 Benjamin Moore //



Design Wire May 2023

A new modular piece of playroom furniture made from recycled olive pits called the NONTALO STOOL allows children and parents to change the shape of the seat to suit their mood or activity. Developed by design duo ENERIS COLLECTIVE and Barcelona-based biomaterials company NAIFACTORY LAB, the chair is composed of REOLIVAR, a biocomposite made from olive pits, which is then formed in molds to reduce unnecessary waste. Inspired by children’s construction sets, the Nontalo stool is made up of six parts: three large, P-shaped pieces and three long rods that slot into the central opening of the other pieces to hold them in place. Designed to bring play, spontaneity, and sustainability together, once it has reached the end of its life, the stool can be composted or returned to Naifactory Lab to be recycled.


Think a plaid, checkerboard, or tartan car could only exist in your children’s effervescent drawings? Think again. BMW’s latest concept car, the I VISION DEE, is equipped with programmable and customizable color-changing body panels and hub caps. Using 32 colors of E-INK—a technology most recognizable in e-readers like the Kindle—BMW believes its electric vehicles will soon sport this chameleonic characteristic, once they’ve figured out how to ensure the panels can withstand rigorous driving, as well as the bumps, pebbles, and bugs a car encounters on a typical drive. According to an article published in Fast Company in January, BMW’s concept is far from landing in dealerships, but the customizable ideas are beginning to take shape in some production vehicles.


EAST PINE, the Portland-based interior plant design company known for their design, installation, and maintenance work with high-profile clients like Austin Street Brewery, Après, and SeaWeed Company, has joined forces with HAY RUNNER, a Portland design, construction, and real estate firm founded and led by SHANNON RICHARDS. Services include not only residential and commercial interior plant design but also repotting (what East Pine founder AMALIA BUSSARD and plant care specialist SARA KOSICKI refer to as a spa day for weary-looking plants) and recurring plant care services to keep clients’ plants looking beautiful and healthy in their own spaces.


MAINE ARTS ACADEMY, a charter school for the arts currently located in Sidney, recently purchased a 69,615-square-foot building in Augusta from Maine Veterans’ Homes. According to Mainebiz, the new location, on 8.9 acres near the Capital Area Sports Complex and Viles Arboretum, is about six times larger than the MAA’s current facility. The free public high school that focuses on music, dance, theater, and visual arts and educates students from over 30 districts statewide, will move in after its lease in Sidney expires in June, with one of its goals being to grow from 225 students to 400.


Move over old, mismatched Tupperware. HELLERWARE, the iconic, stackable 1960s dinnerware, has returned to market. Originally designed by architect MASSIMO VIGNELLI in 1964 and manufactured in Italy using bright yellow melamine resin, the colorful and compact plates, bowls, and mugs were licensed for production in the United States by ALAN HELLER, who introduced a range of bright colors for mixing and matching. Last year, after being bought by John Edelman, Heller made plans to bring back the iconic dishes in white, the rainbow colorway having been mostly out of production since the early aughts—until now. MOMA DESIGN STORE has relaunched the collection in six vibrant colors available in six-piece sets. According to the design blog In Unison, the inspiration for the Compasso d’Oro Award–winning design came to Vignelli when he saw a client using plastic molds to make Mickey Mouse ashtrays. The plates and mugs are made with straight sides and a small lip on the bottom, creating a straight, tall stack that maximizes storage space.


BUREO, a company based in Oxnard, California, that makes all of its products—including sunglasses, surf fins, and even Jenga sets—out of recycled fishing nets, has launched a first-of-its-kind skateboard. THE MINNOW, a 25-inch cruiser made with Bureo’s NetPlus material and 30 percent veggie oil wheels, is manufactured in Chile with the support of local Chilean fishing communities. The manufacture of each board prevents more than 30 square feet of PLASTIC FISHING NETS—proven to be the most harmful form of plastic pollution—from entering our oceans. By creating an incentivized program to collect, clean, sort, and recycle fishing nets into reusable material, they also have created employment opportunities for local workers and funding for community programs. Other industry-leading companies like PATAGONIA are jumping on board, incorporating Bureo’s material into their own products.


The restaurateurs behind Mi Sen Noodle Bar and the former Cheevitdee have opened MITR, a new, 20-seat restaurant on outer Congress Street serving grilled Thai street food. Cofounder WAN TITAFAI, who lived in Thailand when she was young and has resided in Maine for many years, designed the space herself with both classic Thai and modern New England interiors in mind, such as high ceilings and dinnerware brought in from Thailand paired with crown mouldings and pop art painted by her husband John Paul. “We used antique furniture alongside some furniture and booths that we custom-made,” Titafai says. “I believe once people step into the space, they will feel the love that we put into everything.” As for the food, Titafai recommends ordering the homemade curry paste with rice, salmon, and Thai herbs, wrapped in banana leaves and grilled.


After three years, researchers from MIT and Harvard University, alongside laboratories in Italy and Switzerland, may have discovered the answer to why ancient Roman concrete structures, such as the 2,000-year-old Pantheon, have stood the test of time while our modern concrete structures crack and crumble just a few decades after being built. The secret? It’s a combination of one ingredient—calcium oxide, or lime—and the technique used to incorporate it. According to Fast Company, the study was recently published in the journal Science Advances. Professor Admir Masic, an MIT professor of civil and environmental engineering and an author of the study, explains, “When lime clusters are mixed with cement and water at a very high temperature, the water around them evaporates, and the clusters, which would have otherwise dissolved, remain embedded in the material.” This means that when water later seeps into the cracks, as it eventually will, instead of causing more corrosion, the lime clusters dissolve and fill in the newly formed cracks like glue. Thanks to this discovery, a new deep tech start-up called DMAT launched in the United States at the end of last year. The company’s core product, D-LIME, a self-healing concrete, is made with the ancient technique in mind, adapted for modern times.

Antique Chic

“This house was a gut renovation. The living room pictured here was all drywall before we went in and created the paneling. We came into the space and thought, what is needed? And we went from there, making it up piece by piece. The fireplace surround, for example, used to be brick, and we thought about different options and came upon slate, which we had done by Sheldon Slate Products in Monson. We worked around things. We’d make a decision and then see what fit from there. It was totally intuitive.

“We’re lucky that we have the same eye for things. It’s funny, but we weren’t antique dealers before we started working on this house. It completely changed our lives. It’s midcentury, initially designed by a friend of the original owners, architect Norman Klein, and that’s how we got interested in midcentury modern antiques. The midcentury modern furniture is, of course, really at home here. It’s nice to be able, as far as restoration and renovation, to stay within the time period. We fell in love with antiques, learning about the history behind things and the people who made them. They’re full of stories, and it’s nice to have that history throughout your living space. Many of the pieces you see here are from yard sales and antique shops, and the chair we bought at Modern Underground in Waterville. We also worked with a furniture maker, someone we found from our days going to Thistle Pig in South Berwick. We always sat at this one table, and when we asked who made it, it turned out he was located right down the street.

“The house layout is one of the most thoughtful we’ve ever seen. That triangular window, for example, is so sweet on its own, but it’s also planned perfectly. In certain moments you can see the moon through it or get a glimpse of the sun setting through it; it’s interactive and constantly changing.

“One playful element we added was to have Carisa’s father, Rick Salerno, who is a carpenter and a builder, design a bunch of hidden panels and doors. Here, one of the stone birds is hiding an electrical panel, and there are little storage areas throughout the house where the paneling completely blends in around them. Rick spent seven years rebuilding this house, commuting from Bristol. There’s no way we would’ve been able to do this without him. He is just as focused on details as we are. For example, those boards next to the fireplace are completely unbroken—they go straight to the ceiling. He called the mill to make that happen, and it was a huge endeavor. He is a very patient man.”

—Carisa Salerno and Aaron Levin, founders of the Maine House Hunt and Maine Antiques Hunt on Instagram

At Home With an Expert

Jorge Arango is in the kitchen, stirring a pot of richly scented soup, when I arrive at his Portland apartment. This in itself is unusual. Homeowners don’t often feed me when I come for tours, but Arango is different from most magazine subjects. He’s a design writer, too. He knows the routine we’re about to undergo because he’s done it hundreds of times himself. He knows the questions I’m going to ask about styling a home, because he wrote the book on it. “I’ve published 13 books,” he tells me as I examine his bookshelf, plus he’s had bylines everywhere one could imagine, from Elle Decor to House Beautiful. “I’ve been doing this a long time.”

And yet, despite his years of experience in our shared arena, Arango isn’t intimidating in person, nor does he boast of his accomplishments. He states them quickly during our walk around his home before directing me to sit at an old, uneven dining table covered in scratches, where he’s placed a vase of yellow tulips that are lolling appealingly about in their vase. “I know Portland has a lot of great restaurants, but I hardly go to them because I love to cook,” he says. “I really love to host and feed people.” Tonight he’s throwing a dinner party for a group of his closest friends or, as he calls it, “members of my pod.”

I imagine it will be an intimate event, that all gatherings at his place must be. The kitchen is also the dining room, which is open to the living room and the “disaster zone” of a mudroom, as he calls it. (I peeked inside; it’s not that bad.) His bedroom opens into the living area and the hallway, and across from it lies the apartment’s sole bathroom. “It’s the biggest bathroom I’ve had in any apartment,” he says. “I just love it. It’s enormous and has this exposed brick wall. And of course, it was brand, spanking new when I moved in.” It’s why he chose this place—the bathroom, the newness, the blank slate of a new home for a new life.

Arango moved to Portland in 2019 after a divorce from his longtime partner. While he has always loved old buildings and old things, he didn’t want to buy another fixer-upper. This Munjoy Hill apartment fits both his needs and his aesthetic sensibilities. The exterior of the building dates back to the early 1900s, but in 2017 a fire tore through the center of the structure. The damage was considerable. Then-owner Kate Anker oversaw renovations. “She’s the one who designed the interior,” explains Arango. “Since it’s a rental, I can’t change a lot.” This doesn’t appear to be a problem: “Kate made some bold moves, like painting the wall in the kitchen black. It really works. And it came with beautiful hardwood floors and built-ins, which are something I have loved since I was a child.” The fire spared the cabinets on the walls and did no lasting damage to the lovely exposed brick. Anker’s redesign relied largely on neutral colors: black, white, and touches of gray-blond wood. “She made some really thoughtful choices, like the light fixtures,” Arango adds. “They’re all different, but you can tell they were designed by the same person.”

It’s a bachelor pad, but unlike the ugly, faux-industrial-chic ones you’ve seen on television, this small home is full of warmth, color, and texture. “I could tell you a story about every object in here,” he says, before opening a drawer to reveal a collection of vintage flatware. “Everything in this space means something to me. Even the sofa, which I bought at Baker Furniture, was something I chose knowing that it would last me decades. I want to have it for years; I want it to last.” Arango’s never been one to worship the new. He believes in the power of antiques and sees the layered, complex beauty of a dinged-up cabinet, a worn leather chair, an almost-grungy patina on a basic wood table. He also knows that, with some effort, many thrift store finds can be transformed, reborn through a baptism of paint stripper and furniture wax. He’s a frequent patron of the Flea for All and the Habitat for Humanity ReStore.

On a slightly more highbrow level, he’s also become a repeat customer at Greenhut Galleries. Over the past few years, Arango has formed a close friendship with founder Peggy Greenhut Golden. Through his work writing art reviews at the Portland Press Herald, Arango has come to know many members of the local arts community, and he particularly likes supporting contemporary artists. “Jorge has a wide appreciation for all genres,” says Golden. “I don’t know what pieces he will find attractive—he surprises me! But I do know that he can decipher a well-made painting and takes pleasure in acknowledging good craft.” Studio visits “inform and delight Jorge,” and Golden believes his conversations with artists have resulted in a rich appreciation for their works. It makes sense, then, that Jorge chose to hang many of his pieces in a salon style, “coating the walls top to bottom like the Barnes [Foundation] collection in Philadelphia,” explains Golden. “It maximizes the art you can exhibit.”

This is a tricky look to pull off, since every piece needs to make sense in its own context. There needs to be visual harmony in how the works are hung; one must pay close attention to framing and spacing; every element in the grouping must speak to the others. Eclecticism is the goal, while chaos is the pitfall. Arango’s collection is wide-ranging and features landscape paintings, folk art sculptures, collages, photographs, and textile arts. While he has art in every room, usually arranged in groupings, the white living room wall is where he’s created a salon-style experience using miniature American landscapes in gold frames, intricate vintage East Asian and Indian paintings and drawings, a tiny, collaged painter’s rag work by Damariscotta artist Jaap Helder, and two Indonesian wooden puppets that lean out above the matching lamps with nickel bases. While there are many different styles and techniques on display, the art is held together by the overall warmth of the collection, with its tones of gold, rosewood, scarlet, and brown, and by the Lilliputian sense of scale. Even the bigger works ask viewers to look closer at their careful details. “I’m drawn to artists who are obsessive about their work,” he explains. “And obviously, I love Asian antiques and art.”

This appreciation for craftsmanship is on display in his bedroom, where Arango has hung seven framed textiles in a closely spaced arrangement above his pillow-stacked bed. They were a gift from friends Margaret Minister and Stephen Peck, he explains. “They both had been lugging around these scraps of fabric for years because they were so beautiful, and intended to make them into cushions but never got around to it,” he says. Arango knew what to do with them; he took them to Greenhut Galleries and got them precisely framed in rosewood with beige mats. They tone down the busyness of the bedroom with all its various patterns and give a sense of order, as do the matching side tables topped with almost-matching ceramic lamps (one is white, the other seafoam). On the floor, a simple navy blue rug grounds the space. “I got this for a song at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore in Kennebunk,” he says. “They have the best stuff.”

In fact, there are only a few pieces that Arango didn’t get secondhand, including the living room sofa and coffee table (both from Baker Furniture) and a floor lamp from All Modern. He says he expects the sofa to become worn and show signs of age, because that’s what functional objects do. It’s part of why he has dedicated his career to the world of things. After we tour his apartment, and after we’ve finished eating soup and salad, our discussion turns briefly toward the personal. We talk about the importance of having a spiritual life, the impact friendships can have on us, and our shared interest in making meaning out of everyday objects. I tell him why I like his home, and he calls my attention to the wobbly table, then to a Hitchcock chair. “Isn’t this special?” he asks. It is.

Later, after I’ve returned home, I open my computer and find an email from Arango. He had been thinking about things after I left, he said, and he wanted to expand on our conversation. I can’t think of any better way to conclude than by sharing what he wrote:

“At some dimension of reality, all mystical traditions acknowledge there is no fundamental difference between the table, the fork, the painting, and us. All of reality is made of the same thing. We could debate what that thing is. But from this perspective, it’s easy to see that if everything is one, then the things we love and own speak some aspect of ourselves back to us. They are, literally, part of us. We don’t have to carry all those things through our entire life. There’s a lot of unnecessary stuff we can certainly shed, about our things as well as ourselves. And as we grow and change, some things lose meaning, so we let them go. But it boils down, at some level, to ‘my cherished possessions, myself.’”

Peachy Keen

It may be months before peaches appear at farmstands, but spring blossoms have us daydreaming about all the pretty pastel colors, especially pale peaches. Named for the fruit, peach is a tint of orange, but it is closer in color to the flesh of a white peach than the classic yellow peach.

As an interior color, peach has many sides. It’s a little unexpected yet versatile; it is lively yet calming. “Peach can be a cool or warm neutral, and it is soft and approachable like the inside of a seashell,” says Krista Stokes, creative director of the boutique Maine hotel group Atlantic Holdings. Pale peach brings a subtle pop of color to a space, but it’s still neutral enough to complement any aesthetic, from Victorian to midcentury modern.

Plus, peach casts a flattering glow wherever it is used; it’s just a matter of finding the right peach for the room you’re decorating. Peaches can range from a pale, almost white hue (gorgeous on walls) to a richer, bolder color that reads pink-orange (perfect for accents). We spoke to designers to find out how to find the rich hue for you and use it in your home.

Peach is on trend.

The interior design world is primed for peach right now. After nearly a decade of “millennial pink” accents, peach is a fresh alternative that’s still soft and warm, but a little less expected. Likewise, peach is a lighter shade of trendy terra-cotta. Two years ago, interior designers’ favorite paint company Farrow and Ball launched a collection with in-demand designer Kelly Wearstler that included Faded Terracotta, which is really a deep shade of peach.

Think of it as “nude.”

Decorators, including the pros we spoke to, often encourage homeowners to think of pastels like peach as a neutral, but if you’re having trouble thinking of pale orange as a noncolor, perhaps think of it as “nude.” Writing in her book Living with Color, textile artist Rebecca Atwood makes an apt analogy: “This creamy version of orange is like using a nude shade of nail polish; it’s pretty and soft, but subtle too.”

Pair it with cool tones.

Interior designer Vanessa Helmick, the owner of Fiore Home in Yarmouth, notes that, because Mainers love their blues, she often uses small amounts of peach tones to break up the coolness. “Orange and blue are direct complements on the color wheel, so using the more muted pairings is always gorgeous,” she says.

Get peachy art.

If you’re looking for a way to bring peach into a cool-scheme room, look to art, Helmick adds. “I use peach and other warm tones in art to balance the blues,” she says, specifically noting that she loves the work of Maine artist Nina Earley, who dyes silk with avocado pits to get a peachy effect. A color that is often found in nature, peach is also often found in seascapes, portraits, floral still lifes, and abstractions.

Go deep for sophistication.

Lorna Gross, an interior designer based in Maryland, likes to play with deeper shades of the hue in formal rooms. “A palette based in peach and corals adds a soft touch to an elegant dining room,” she says. “Adding in metallic finishes retains a refined aesthetic.”

Imagine a fruit salad palette.

“Nature is masterful at coloration, because nature is nuanced,” says Catherine Wilson of Catherine Wilson Interiors in Atlanta, Georgia. When choosing peachy hues, she recommends, “Think of all the fruits in the peach, pink, and coral families: peaches, pink grapefruits, guavas, and pink lady apples.” Mix them up together for a room that’s energetic and delicious to look at.

Recreate a garden palette.

Peach pairs naturally with shades of green and other nature-inspired hues. For example, when reimagining the color schemes for the Claremont Hotel in Southwest Harbor, Stokes and interior designer Laura Keeler Pierce of Boston’s Keeler & Co. were inspired by the garden. In one room, they opted for a headboard upholstered in a trailing floral by William Morris and pulled out the peach accents on pillows and a lampshade. “The peach woven into the headboard and pillows was the perfect bridge to all the other hues in the color scheme,” she says.

Try it with teal.

Peach also pairs beautifully with blue-green shades like turquoise. Louise Hurlbutt of Hurlbutt Designs in Kennebunk tweaked a complementary scheme with a turquoise faux-bamboo headboard layered over pale peach walls (Benjamin Moore’s Peach Parfait) in a Kennebunk home. Vintage seascapes that feature teal waters and peachy sails and skies further tie the palette together.

Work with woods.

Designer Cortney Bishop, whose firm is based in Charleston, South Carolina, paired peach and pale woods in a recent bedroom project. “A peachy, blush palette and natural wood tones create a soft and balanced foundation,” she says, noting that the soft color allows for other textural touches and fabrics to be easily layered into a space.

Warm up a whitewashed room.

Interior designer Karin Thomas, who is based in Camden, knows the power of white paint, and she used it liberally in a project in a Maine island home. However, for the walls of a guest bedroom, she opted to pickle the existing wood paneling in a pale shade of peach instead of the usual white. The subtle tint gives the room a warm glow and makes the white-painted furniture look even crisper.

Don’t forget texture.

One way to ensure that pale peach hues don’t look washed out or saccharine is to layer in lots of texture and contrasting materials. For example, in a recent dining room design, New York–based interior designer Emily Butler opted for peach walls, but in grasscloth instead of paint, and paired the soft color with textured rattan chairs and shiny brass accents.

Are Peach Bathrooms the Next Big Thing?

Plumbing manufacturer Kohler sure thinks so. As part of the company’s 150th anniversary celebration, Kohler is reviving some of its vintage hues. Kohler asked their customers and industry pros to vote on six heritage colors to bring back into production in 2023. After more than 100,000 people shared their opinions, Peachblow and Spring Green won the most votes, edging out four other colors including Avocado and Pink Champagne.

Peachblow is a blush-peach color that was first introduced in 1934 and stayed in production until 1973. It’s a throwback for sure, but after decades of all-white bathroom fixtures, the hit of color feels surprisingly modern. Plus, designers always suggest painting a bathroom blush or peach for the flattering glow it casts, so if you’re feeling bold, why not take the color a step further? A selection of Kohler’s most popular products will be available in the peachy hue (and Spring Green) for a limited time this summer. Oh, and if you’ve got a vintage bathroom with a colorful tub and toilet, maybe think twice before tearing it out. As the saying goes, “Everything old is new again.”

For a cheery bathroom in a coastal home, Santa Monica–based interior designer Sarah Barnard used peach tiles to “evoke natural corals and enhance the warm tones of the terrazzo countertop and flooring made with real seashells.” Pink undertones in the wood further what Barnard calls “the joyful effects of pink shades.”

In China, the peach is a symbol of longevity, and peaches are often depicted in paintings and on porcelain.

Palette Picks

Design Wire March/April 2025

The 2025 ARCHITALX lecture series, held at AURA in Portland throughout April, hosts a diverse collection of experts in architecture and design who seek to share their knowledge while conversing with the community. The compelling spring lineup includes DEBORAH BERKE, principal of TENBERKE and dean of YALE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE; JENNIFER DEMPSEY, project lead on the OBAMA PRESIDENTIAL CENTER for TOD WILLIAMS BILLIE TSIEN ARCHITECTS; ROSS ALTHEIMER, principal and cofounder of TEN × TEN STUDIO; and LAURA STEIN, chief creative officer of BRUCE MAU DESIGN. “We’re excited to welcome this year’s exceptional group of speakers to Portland. Each lecture offers a chance to explore unique perspectives in architecture and design, and we look forward to the connections, insights, and inspiration they will bring,” says Architalx president Andrew Ashey. Lectures are open to the public, and tickets are available at

Prior to the end of his term, former president JOE BIDEN declared FRANCES PERKINS’s family homestead in NEWCASTLE the second NATIONAL MONUMENT in Maine. Perkins rose to fame as the country’s first female cabinet secretary; she is known for championing labor protections—including banning child labor and instituting a 40-hour workweek, along with putting a minimum wage in place—and ensuring the passage of the Social Security Act under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Perkins’s 57-acre property includes a brick house and barns along the Damariscotta River. “Honoring Frances Perkins with a national monument does more than acknowledge her work to establish Social Security, unemployment insurance, minimum wage, and overtime pay. It is a challenge for us,” then-acting Labor Secretary Julie Su said in a statement. “We must all remember that the gains we enjoy today were not gifts, they were hard-fought victories because Frances Perkins dared to believe that workers should thrive and not just survive.”

The UNIVERSITY OF MAINE AT AUGUSTA (UMA) recently broke ground on a $7.15 million expansion that will house the school’s growing nursing and cybersecurity programs. Known as the UMA CAPITAL CENTER FOR NURSING AND CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT, the facility will feature advanced laboratory technology that aims to address the state’s nursing shortage along with a 3,000-square-foot space for providing state-of- the-art cybersecurity training to the next generation of leaders, as well as opportunities for private industries and municipalities. LAVALLEE BRENSINGER ARCHITECTS and CONSIGLI CONSTRUCTION, both based in Portland, will partner on the renovations of the former PURDUE UNIVERSITY GLOBAL space across from UMA’s main campus.

The U.S. POSTAL SERVICE provided an early glimpse into the 2025 stamp program that includes a variety of popular and commemorative designs. Some of our favorites include the new Love stamp, which features artist KEITH HARING’s 1985 untitled drawing; a collection of Appalachian Trail images that includes a view from each of the 14 states along the Maine-to-Georgia trail; a postcard with Libby VanderPloeg’s illustration of a two- masted sea vessel based on a replica of the 1923 schooner Columbia; a series of bold and whimsical baby animals in blue, orange, black, and white designed by Tracy Walker; and a digital illustration of American television icon BETTY WHITE, known for her roles in The Golden Girls and The Mary Tyler Moore Show, designed by USPS art director GREG BREEDING.

High-speed trains are finally hitting the rails on AMTRAK’s Northeast Corridor line. Following 900 test runs in the first half of 2024, the brand-new ACELA trains are ready to debut with a top speed of 186 miles per hour, though they will be capped at 160 miles per hour due to curves along the route. The new trains, which incorporate tilting technology, are quieter, more aerodynamic, and require less electricity to run than the current line. Inside, the new cars feature USB outlets, winged headrests, and a sleek aesthetic. While they’re still not a match for the high-speed trains of China and Europe, which travel up to 285 miles per hour, Acela’s next generation of trains offers a more climate-friendly method of travel than driving or flying.

PHARRELL WILLIAMS, an American musician and current men’s creative director for LOUIS VUITTON, is calling for the return of the art competition at the 2028 OLYMPIC GAMES in Los Angeles. Held from 1912 to 1948 alongside the sporting events of the summer games, the original arts competition awarded medals in five categories: architecture, music, painting, literature, and sculpture. Notable arts medalists include Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the International Olympic Committee; Mahonri Young, grandson of Mormon leader Brigham Young; and John Russell Pope, the architect behind the National Archives and the National Gallery of Art. In 1948 the arts competition was removed from future games when the organizing committee noted that professionals were allowed to enter the arts events while sports were limited to amateurs. “We get to remind people that at one point, the Olympics actually had the arts as a section that ran. The idea we get to put the arts back in … Why not take this moment to bring awareness?” Williams told the Associated Press.

AREAWARE, a design-forward home decor company that collaborates with independent designers to create funky, functional objects, recently launched a set of Frank Lloyd Wright–inspired architectural building blocks for children. Designed by JAMES PAULIUS and made from New Zealand pine, the USONIAN BLOCKITECTURE SET is based on a honeycomb grid system similar to the hexagonal system Wright used to design his famous low, sprawling Usonian homes. A portion of every set’s purchase supports the FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT FOUNDATION, which aims to inspire people to embrace architecture for better living.

Skowhegan-based milling company MAINE GRAINS is planning an expansion that includes a new 80,000-square- foot building expected to house the Skowhegan Farmers’ Market, the company’s administrative offices, a dry goods shop with a demonstration area, rental spots for entrepreneurs, and space to blend and package grains for value-added products and online fulfillment. According to MaineBiz, “The project [will] encourage foot traffic and retail shopping in the downtown [Skowhegan] area as part of a larger design toward a river park development that is underway on the Kennebec.” A series of grants from the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, NEW ENGLAND FOOD VISION, and MAINE TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE’s Prime-2 fund will finance the expansion.

Grains, Greens, and Veggies Collide in This Simple Spring Salad

This simple meal of grains, greens, and vegetables from Annemarie Ahearn, founder of Salt Water Farm Cooking School in Lincolnville, is dressed in a bright and brilliant buttermilk dressing that makes each spoonful a pleasure. It’s the type of dish that will sit comfortably in the fridge until the next day and even the day after that, asking only for a little more dressing, a sprinkle of sea salt, and a handful of fresh arugula with each new serving.

Serves 4


For the salad
1 cup farro
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 bunch asparagus
Kosher salt
1 bunch arugula
1 cup sprouts or shoots

For the dressing
2 cloves garlic, peeled
½ cup buttermilk
2 tablespoons crème fraîche
Zest and juice of a lemon
8 sprigs parsley, leaves picked from stems
1 small bunch chives, roughly chopped
6 sprigs tarragon, leaves picked from stems
2 tablespoons olive oil
A pinch of red pepper flakes
Sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste


1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the farro and cook until al dente. Strain, dress with a little olive oil, toss, and reserve.

2. Snap the ends off the asparagus and cut the remaining stalk into ½-inch pieces. In a cast iron pan, add 1 tablespoon olive oil and warm over high heat. Add the asparagus and a pinch of salt. Cook until the asparagus pieces turn bright green and just begin to soften, about 4 to 5 minutes (do not overcook). Move to a plate and let cool.

3. Place the garlic in a blender with a pinch of salt and blend until it’s completely broken up. Add the buttermilk, crème fraîche, zest and juice of a lemon, parsley, chives, tarragon, and olive oil. Blend until the dressing is an even consistency. Add salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes to taste.

4. In a large wooden bowl, toss the arugula, farro, asparagus, and 4 tablespoons of dressing. Add the sprouts and give a final toss. Taste to see if the salad needs more dressing. Serve at room temperature.

Excerpted from Modern Country Cooking: Kitchen Skills and Seasonal Recipes from Salt Water Farm (Roost Books). Reprinted with permission from the publisher.

The Portland Printmaker Producing Accessible Art for the Masses

Photo: Dana Valletti

How did linocut printing become your medium of choice?
I was planning to major in art history in college, mainly because my parents are in the arts—they’re museum people—and I wanted to follow in their footsteps. I was required to take a “history of printmaking” class, which I thought was going to be a real bore. Even though it was technically a history class, we had to carve prints out of rubber on the first day, and we printed them in the classroom with a spoon like we were in middle school. I had so much fun that I ditched the art history major and went all in on studio art.

Walk us through your printmaking process.
Most of my prints are of food, so I’ll share a classic example: My wife is a farmer and always comes home with organic fruits or vegetables that she grew, like a tomato. I’ll take a photo of the tomato or sketch it right onto the linoleum, and then I use U- and V-shaped gouge tools that are like little knives to carve away the linoleum. Most of my prints are two colors, and I always print from lightest to darkest. I’ll pick a color, roll on the oil-based ink with a brayer, and send it through the printing press. The reverse of what I carved will be printed on the paper.

How did you come up with the idea for your mini print vending machines?
I moved to Maine from New York in 2020, and we got here during a massive quarter shortage. The apartment we moved into, which I still live in today, has coin-operated laundry in the basement. I had just become a full-time artist, and my wife was farming, so our clothing was constantly dirty. I was participating in art markets, and I thought that having vending machines I could drag around would be a clever way to collect coins so I could do my laundry. I also like offering affordable artwork, because there aren’t many fun things you can buy for just a dollar.

Why is accessibility important to you?
I’m an artist myself, and I don’t own any artwork that’s fancy or expensive—everything in my apartment was made by local artists or friends of mine, and it’s all affordable. When I started my business, all my customers were college students who had no money. Most people who think about owning art think about the pieces from big auction houses like Sotheby’s or Christie’s, which cost millions of dollars. Having something that brings you joy, a real work of art that only costs a dollar, is pretty special. It’s so fun that you can frame something that comes out of a vending machine rather than just throwing it in the trash.

How has Maine influenced or affected your art?
I’m originally from New York, and I don’t think I could have had this career anywhere other than Maine. Aside from the inspiration I get from the local produce my wife grows, I feel like everyone’s always rooting for me here. There are so many fellow artists in the community and so many markets to participate in—they make it easy to do what I love.

Grab your quarters and head to any of these Maine venues to purchase one of Inciardi’s $1 prints. For a full list of vending machine locations across the country, visit

Allagash Brewing Company
100 Industrial Way, Portland

Broadturn Farm
388 Broadturn Road, Scarborough

Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens
105 Botanical Gardens Drive, Boothbay

550 Congress Street, Portland

The Post Supply
65 Washington Avenue, Portland

Wild Oats Bakery
166 Admiral Fitch Avenue, Brunswick

Jeweler Art Smith’s Modern Cuff is a Lesson in Creating Form

Jewelry is often overlooked as a true art form. Midcentury modernist jewelry designer Arthur George “Art” Smith’s pieces are a combination of lyrical genius and craftsmanship that transform into art when worn. When Smith (1917–1982) was given a one-man show at the Museum of Contemporary Crafts (now the Museum of Arts and Design) in New York City in 1969, he was quoted in the catalog: “[The question is] not how do bracelets go, but what can be done with an arm?” “A piece of jewelry,” he wrote, “is in a sense an object that is not complete in itself. Jewelry is a ‘what is it?’ until you relate it to the body. The body is a component in design just as air and space are. Like line, form, and color, the body is a material to work with. It is one of the basic inspirations in creating form.”

Born in Cuba to Jamaican parents and raised in Brooklyn, Smith studied sculpture at the Cooper Union in 1940 (after dropping out of the architectural studies program). He went on to apprentice with Black jewelry designer Winifred Mason in Greenwich Village and eventually opened his own jewelry store on West 4th Street in 1946, where he remained in business until 1979. As an openly gay Black artist, he drew inspiration from African art, jazz, dance, and sculpture, building a loyal clientele that included artists and performers like Duke Ellington and Harry Belafonte.

Smith didn’t often use precious materials; instead, he usually worked in brass and copper. The Modern Cuff interacts with the wearer, the negative space that exposes the wearer’s skin becoming part of the design. The brass rods on the cuff reflect Smith’s interest in jazz, as the flattened ends recall the brass keys of a saxophone or trumpet. The cuff is made from a single cut and bent piece of copper, pierced and attached to brass wires that will cast the arm. Many of Smith’s pieces are in the permanent collections of museums like the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum; the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston; and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. However, some can be found on the secondary art market and in private collections. The bracelet featured here sold in 2023 for $20,160. Smith signed his work; often the signature can be found on the inside edge of a piece.

Elizabeth Moss’s Top Picks for Style, Flavor, and Inspiration

Photo: Jeff Roberts

Favorite place to caffeinate and dine?
Coffee from Rwanda Bean and pastries from Norimoto Bakery down the street from my house in Deering Center. I also love a boozy lunch at Central Provisions in the Old Port with artist pals Emilie Stark-Menneg and John Bisbee. The popovers are a must.

One book everyone who appreciates fine art should read?
Ninth Street Women: Lee Krasner, Elaine de Kooning, Grace Hartigan, Joan Mitchell, and Helen Frankenthaler: Five Painters and the Movement That Changed Modern Art by Mary Gabriel.

Five things you can’t live without?
Harney and Son’s Paris tea, great art, my dog Sweet Lou, friends, and family.

One place downtown you return to over and over?
The Portland Museum of Art’s early twentieth-century works from their permanent collection; it’s like seeing old friends.

Who or what has been your biggest style/design influence?
The Abstract Expressionism art movement.

Rough & Tumble (Photo: Erin Little)

Local shop everyone should visit?
Rough and Tumble for sumptuous leather handbags.

One piece of furniture or decor in your space that tells a story?
My art collection! I have pieces by David Driskell, Lynne Drexler (above), Emilie Stark- Menneg, Richard Keen, Nick Benfey, Billy Gerard Frank, and Alice Jones, to name a few.

Local artist, maker, or designer who deserves more recognition?
Artist Richard Keen should be more recognized nationally. His geometric abstract landscapes will prove to be timeless.

A design piece that’s worth the splurge?
I have two. The first is the Siesta High-Back Lounge Chair and Footstool by Scandinavian designer Ingmar Relling, which was produced by Hjelle. The second is rather funny—it’s the hand-carved Butt Stool by Kelly Wearstler.

Veere Grenney’s Moorish-Inspired Living Room Turns Up the Heat in Tangier

As children, we were taught the difference between warm and cool colors, primary and secondary colors, and how complementary colors sit opposite on the color wheel while analogous colors are adjacent to each other. In the design world as in the realm of art, color theory is key: it explains the psychology behind why different colors evoke specific emotions and how additional factors like hue, saturation, and tone can affect our perception.

Natural Living by Design (Vendome, 2025), a new interior design book by Australian style authority Melissa Penfold, explores six key aspects of natural living: ease, flow, light, nature, timelessness, and awe. In the final section, which Penfold uses to illustrate that the best way to create awe in our interiors is to personalize them, the author emphasizes the power that color has on our state of mind. “Never forget the emotive power of color,” she writes. “Neutral shades can soothe our souls, cool colors like blue and green can aid mental focus, while yellow and red are more energizing and can stimulate the brain and boost creativity. Your color choices are a low-cost way of calibrating the mood of your rooms, from calm and serene for bedrooms and baths to uplifting and joyous for kitchens and living areas.”

As Penfold notes, red is a dynamic, powerful color that evokes passion, energy, and confidence; in the home, it can create a welcoming environment that stimulates conversation. Highlighted in Natural Living by Design, British interior designer Veere Grenney’s residence in Tangier features a red and white living room that exudes warmth. Moorish-inspired patterns in the side tables and wall tiles reflect the region’s culture, as does the Moroccan chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The room simultaneously offers a cozy spot to curl up with a book and a comfortable space for communion. Incorporate the feeling into your home with these nine finds.

Taj’s New Location is an Upscale Take on a Multifunctional Eatery

“Taj’s owner, Sai Guntaka, was working with Optimum Construction on the fit-out when he approached our team to help with the finishes and interior design of the new South Portland space. He wanted to incorporate classic Indian references into the design while creating an elevated atmosphere that would be a clear upgrade from the former spot—something closer to the exciting new restaurants in Portland than a standard Indian buffet.

“When Sai came into our office for a visit, he was immediately drawn to the walnut finishes, so we leaned into that to drive the rest of the materials. Right off the bat, we wanted to incorporate as much seating as we could fit. The banquettes wrap around the perimeter, and there’s plenty of flexibility in adjusting how the tables are arranged. Sai tapped Mike Rich Designs to create a mural that was initially supposed to be in the dining room; instead, he painted the back wall near the buffet that reflects off the glass so you can see it from almost any spot inside the restaurant.

“The bar was an exciting addition to the new space, since the rest of the program was remaining the same. We considered a few different countertops but ultimately selected one that’s near black and introduced a glossy green tile on the bar front. At the back of the bar, we installed an antique mirror behind the custom vertical shelving that makes the whole space feel larger. There’s some nice lighting on the inside that gives it an upscale feeling, and we added a soffit overhead to help make the space more intimate.

“Taj’s lunch buffet is famous—it’s one of the first things I heard about when I moved to town—but what most people envision as a lunch buffet spot is very different from what they think of for a nice dinner. Finding materials to fit both was challenging, so we used the space’s lighting to dial in the atmosphere. We installed dimmable LEDs that create intimate zones at night and used plenty of uplighting to add a nice glow around the dining area.

“This was, without a doubt, the fastest project I’ve ever worked on. We had a month to design and finalize everything before the first subcontractor was on site, and in two months it went from an empty white box to a fully built-out restaurant. As an architect, it can be frustrating to see how long things like submittals and verifications normally take, so it was fun to be part of a fast-paced project where everyone was on board and understood that decisions needed to be made quickly.”

—Jason Jirele, commercial studio project manager, Woodhull

A Blue Hill Compound Built for a Pair of Creatives

The house was perfectly serviceable—lovely, even. Perched on a ridge in Blue Hill, the white modern farmhouse seemed to float a little above the surrounding landscape. But that was the problem for the homeowners, David and Jeannet Leendertse. “When we built the original house, we didn’t have money to blast, so when we ran into a ledge, it ended up sitting higher than we anticipated,” says Jeannet. For nearly 15 years, they lived with this upright structure, thinking about ways to bring it down to earth. In 2020 they decided to do something about it. They would build an expansion, one that would ground the property, create two spacious workshops, and provide fresh inspiration for the artists.

From the beginning, “they were super involved clients,” says Matt Elliott of Elliott Architects, who worked alongside architect Isaac Robbins and associate Maggie Kirsch to design the compact compound. “They were willing to talk about ideas and listen to ours, but they also had a really strong view of what they wanted,” he continues. David and Jeannet knew how they wanted the space to feel, and they knew how they wanted it to function. “Everybody understood it was going to take a team to pull it off,” agrees builder David Gray of David W. Gray Carpentry. “There was no room for anything but helping each other out.”

It’s not that the drawings were incredibly complicated; it was the opposite. After consulting with David and Jeannet, the architects turned to vintage agrarian building practices for potential ideas. “In Maine in particular, there is a history of having connected outbuildings. It’s the big house, little house, back house, barn,” explains Elliott. “That influences a lot of our work. What we like about that is that you can take a large amount of space and break it into smaller pieces, bringing it down to a human scale.” These buildings would get moved around on the site, depending on the needs of the farmers. The spacing of the structures also created a series of microclimates, which helped keep livestock warm in the winter and shield plants from too much wind or sun in the summer. “With this build, we were trying to do something similar, but in a more connected way,” says Elliott.

The team at Elliott Architects landed on a simple expansion, with two new spare and structural buildings linked by a metal canopy, which would create a courtyard/carport and thus totally change how the homeowners (and their guests) approach the main house. “It’s always very important to us to think about the sequential narrative of coming to the house and arriving,” says Kirsch. “Before, you just drove up to a large empty space and parked. Now, there is an entire sequence, from the courtyard to the canopy to the glass connector.” Kirsch adds, “We really love the spaces where you are either outside and you feel covered, or you’re inside and you feel connected to the outside.”

To further create a sense of connection with the land, they decided to embed one of the studios (David’s) into the hillside. Inspired by nineteenth-century bank barns, the building is spacious and rustic, with hardwood oak floors, plywood wall panels, and exposed steel beams. “It’s not your typical workshop,” says Gray, who reveals that David’s woodshop was, in fact, the trickiest part of the build, due mainly to the two-story sliding doors but also thanks to the wide-open interior and hanging canopy. “The structural work, with all that steel—I had never done anything like that, and I’ve been in business for 30 years,” Gray continues. “Typically, all the steel is covered and never to be seen again. But with this build, you see every bit of it.” Since there are no load-bearing columns in the main workspace, the steel beams were necessary to hold up the roofing—and to bear the weight of the snow that’s bound to come each year. Framing around the pocket doors was also a difficult task. “But those came out big-time cool,” Gray says. “Everyone involved had extremely high expectations, and I’m not trying to pat myself on the back, but I don’t think every company could have pulled that off.”

Although Jeannet’s white-box studio appears simpler than David’s rustic and elegant workshop, it too required precision and excellence. “[Elliott Architects] were very good with the negative spaces. No matter where you stand, the three buildings relate to each other in a beau- tiful way,” reflects Jeannet. She calls the overall build a “sculptural” achievement that puts elements of the landscape—the treeline, the boulders, the hilltop itself—into direct conversation with the built environment, not only through the siting of the studio but also through the careful placement of windows. As David puts it, “Outside, it is truly a wall of green. If you stand anywhere in Jeannet’s studio and look, the trees are the same distance away. It embraces the house. It’s always alive. The trees are always moving in the wind. It’s dynamic but calm at the same time.” Jeannet says, “I like to stand by the windows and look out at the boulder in the field. It’s very calming.”

The sculptural studio also facilitates Jeannet’s artistic work through its thoughtful design. Jeannet is a weaver of seaweed, a maker of intricate, often fragile vessels. Her pieces almost appear to be organic expressions of the ocean itself. But every basket and sculpture has been painstakingly worked by hand. “Jeannet’s work is very delicate,” says Elliott. “She wanted very soft, diffuse light in her studio, so we put in a long ribbon of north-facing windows.” Kirsch adds that this “brings in even light, with no strong shadows that would cut through the space,” allowing the artist to focus fully on her absorbing work.

Originally from the shores of the Netherlands, Jeannet has found plenty of inspiration on the Maine coastline. Over the years her practice has evolved and shifted, molded by place and circumstance. (She began working with seaweed more seriously during the COVID pandemic. “We were spending a lot of time outside,” David says.) “Fiber art lends itself to a wide range of experiments,” Jeannet explains. “There are so many different techniques that you can choose from, whether it is stitching, sewing, knitting, or weaving. There are many ways to use material, and many materials that can act as fiber.” In addition to seaweed, Jeannet also works with silk, flax, lichen, and beeswax. “Now that I have the studio,” she says, “it’s great to be able to build larger pieces and have them all in one place.” She uses the large table for weaving and sketching, the pinning wall to display works in progress, the storage space (located behind the pinning wall) for her materials, and the small kitchen for cleaning, drying, and preparing seaweed. “It’s a process that involves buckets of cold water, salts, and all these types of things. When the seaweed is drying, there are some aromas that come with that,” she says. “It’s a little briny. So you can open the windows, and it’s all good.” She’s even brought in a small freezer, so that she can collect seaweed during peak season and save it for later months. “I harvest when it’s best,” she says.

Although construction has long since ended on the home and studios, Jeannet and David admit they’re never quite done. Decorating these gracious, peaceful spaces is an ongoing process. David is still polishing his woodworking skills, and Jeannet is still aiming for visual harmony—in all aspects of the place. “My idea has been to move very slowly,” she says. “To live in it, and slowly get a feel for it. I’m making some pieces myself for the house.” In one hall- way hangs a dark blue piece made from beeswax and silk, with a deep green basket placed nearby. “I think it’s nice to make place-specific pieces,” muses Jeannet. “I think it’s inspiring to think about the light, the architecture, and think: what does it need here?”

Inside the Home of Decorator and Artist Samantha Pappas

Samantha Pappas understands the power of home. The decorator recently completed an extensive renovation and expansion of her own Yarmouth residence, and the experience was far more transformative than she could have ever imagined. “The house started to feel small after my husband and I had our third child, so we eventually decided to gut it and create our dream home,” explains Pappas. “Then, a few weeks after moving out to begin construction, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It totally rocked our world. I couldn’t believe that I had just torn my house apart and committed to such a huge project.” But committed they were, and in time Pappas actually began to view the timing as a blessing in disguise. “I was able to visit the house on the way to and from treatments and doctor appointments, which allowed my mind to focus on something other than being sick,” explains Pappas. “I found energy through my work and dreaming about how amazing being back in my space would feel.”

Rather than find an entirely new property, it was important to the couple—who relocated to Maine from Florida in 2015—that they remain in their beloved neighborhood and in the house that they had built not that long ago in 2017. In fact, it was the original construction project that pushed Pappas to launch her design career. “I actually studied civil and structural engineering, but I didn’t love working as an engineer,” says Pappas. “I’ve always been interested in art and design, and I fell in love with the process of building and decorating our house. After that I began helping friends and neighbors, and the business kept evolving in an organic way.”

After having lived in the abode for several years, the couple was clear on the main objectives for its latest incarnation: an additional bed and bath upstairs, a proper entry, a larger living room, and a new kitchen with plenty of storage. To assist with this, Pappas called on architect Kevin Browne, with whom she had worked on a past project. All in all, they added about 1,000 square feet between a cross gable upstairs, the newly built entry and adjacent living room, and the incorporation of an existing covered porch into the kitchen. “We rearranged the entire first floor with the exception of the primary bedroom,” explains Browne. “We moved the kitchen to the other side of the house and situated the living room where there’s more privacy and views. This opened up much more space for the dining area, too.” The stairwell also needed to be reconfigured as a result of tweaking the layout. “In order for the kitchen to function, we transformed what was a U-shaped staircase into a straight design and then collaborated with Samantha on the wood slat detail to conceal it,” says Browne. “It ended up being a cool feature.”

These strategic changes, according to Pappas, make a huge difference in how the house operates. “Previously we were forced to store so many items, from games to serving pieces, in the basement,” she recalls. “Now everything is readily accessible, and the entire home functions much better for our family. I love to cook and entertain, so my favorite place is the kitchen. There’s a 13-foot island with a 5-foot sink that’s perfect for prep, a custom coffee bar, and double the amount of pantry space from our previous kitchen.” If the family isn’t in the kitchen or having one of their daily dance parties, chances are they are hanging out in the new living room, complete with a fireplace, a pair of comfortable sofas to pile onto for movie nights, a large coffee table for playing games, a reading nook, and a piano. “I grew up playing piano, and now my daughter is taking lessons, so it was important that the new layout include a spot for that,” says Pappas. “It brings me so much joy and floods my mind with really fond memories.” Adjacent to the living room is the new entry, which is decked out with plenty of storage, a durable cement tile floor laid in a checkerboard pattern, and an unexpected pop of high-gloss purple on the ceiling. “Our old front door opened right onto the main living area, so there was nowhere for guests to drop their things,” recalls Pappas. “We installed two large coat closets as well as a bench with coat hooks above and cubbies below for the kids’ shoes.”

But the layout isn’t the only dramatic change. “My aesthetic has progressed,” notes Pappas. “There was a lot of white pre-renovation, but I didn’t want any white this go-around—and not only because I didn’t want to worry about my kids touching everything. I was influenced by the colors and textures of the outdoors and the serenity that comes along with that. There’s natural wood, dark blues, and earthy shades of brown and green as well as more unexpected pops of color, such as the purple found in the entry, inside the kitchen display cabinet, and on the powder room vanity.” Not to mention the floral touches on the walls of two of the bathrooms and on her older daughter’s bedroom ceiling. “She loves going to flower shops with me, making arrangements, and helping in our garden, so this ceiling is a fun nod to that,” explains Pappas, who chose a moody green for her son’s room and a soft peach for her younger daughter’s. Meanwhile, the primary bedroom on the main floor is a serene sage. “I like playing with color and pattern while maintaining a comfortable, calming feel. I don’t want my spaces to be overdone, but I don’t want them to be boring or stale either.”

It’s no wonder that Pappas has a way with palettes, given that she paints and creates mixed-media work in her spare time. “I’ve always enjoyed drawing and painting as a hobby,” she says. Some of her pieces are scattered throughout the residence, including a pair of paintings in the primary bedroom, a framed textile with quartz dominos representing her wedding anniversary off the kitchen, and a deer hide (her husband’s score) that she mounted on a textile above the piano in the living room. She also enjoys collecting works by other artists near and far. “The beauty of art is that it doesn’t need to match the interiors,” says Pappas. “If a piece speaks to us, it will fit. Art is something that you can continue to curate over time, and it adds another layer to a space.”

The furnishings are a mix of contemporary items, vintage finds, and a few select pieces that had been in the house before—namely, the custom dining table from Huston and Company in Kennebunkport with the children’s names and handprints underneath. Another sentimental detail is the rug in the kitchen, which Pappas purchased while visiting her sister in England years ago and that has found its way into each of her homes since. “I’m in love with how it all came together,” says Pappas. “When we moved back into the house I had just two chemotherapy sessions left, and I felt such a sense of calm and peace in my soul. It made me realize how important a well-designed space is. Waking up every day in a room that’s soothing and cozy gave me the mental strength that, in turn, helped me physically. I think the entire family sensed a much-needed breath of fresh air. And every time I walk into this home, cook dinner in my new kitchen, or have a family movie night, I feel like I’m healed more and more.”

Architect Carol A. Wilson Designs a Palace to Pop Art in Kennebunkport

It’s common wisdom that well-considered decisions take time. That’s one reason real estate agents and design professionals advise home buyers to live in their new abode for a while before embarking on any major alterations. Bebe Schudroff and her husband gave the process of considering a full renovation ample time … approximately 30 years in fact.

“The house really wasn’t our style,” Schudroff admits of the 5,065-square-foot structure perched on a bluff of Kennebunkport oceanfront, which has been their summer getaway from Connecticut for the past three decades. “But the view was so breathtaking that my husband said, ‘We don’t even have to go inside. I’ll buy it.’”

The house is composed of three connected sections: a middle structure that is parallel with the shoreline and two wings that angle away from the water to partially enclose a circular, land-facing car court. That meant the rear of the house can take in 180-degree views of the water. Yet inside the residence did little to optimize these vistas. “The windows were small,” Schudroff explains, “and there were walls that blocked the windows. Little by little, we added new floors and other things. But finally, we thought it was time and decided to do the whole thing over.”

The couple are collectors of works with a bright, Pop Art sensibility—particularly by Peter Max, who is a personal friend of theirs from the 1970s—and they had filled the house with a good amount of it. Yet the dark interiors did not lend themselves to showcasing the collection as handsomely as their modern home in Connecticut did. “I love everything contemporary,” Schudroff says. “Lines have to be clean. I’m not into decorated looks.”

An internet search led them to Falmouth-based modernist architect Carol A. Wilson, and seeing a project she had done on nearby Goose Rocks Beach sealed the deal. “Carol is just amazing,” says Schudroff. “She envisioned the whole thing as soon as she walked in the door.” “It was an old shingle house that was dark and closed down, with lots of smaller rooms, and you didn’t see the views,” remembers Wilson. “This project was about creating spaces for them to show the art they love, which has a very colorful, graphic sense to it. So we opened it up and painted it white.”

It was, of course, a bit more involved than that. Wilson rarely takes on renovations, preferring to design and build houses from the ground up. “When you start renovating an old house,” she observes, “it gets complicated because you get odd spaces. We had to be cognizant of the existing structure,” which was everything one might have expected from a 1969 home (complete with the olive green refrigerator, Schudroff points out). Though Wilson reused certain areas, such as the sunken living room, others changed radically, none more so than the old formal dining room.

“It’s not a very rational house,” notes Wilson, “and if you know anything about modern architects, we are very rational.” The kitchen and dining room abutted right at the point where the main structure (containing the dining room) met one of the angled wings (the kitchen). The kitchen itself was walled off from the single-story dining room, creating peculiar planar jogs at the corners of that space.

Wilson appropriated the large walk-in closet of the primary suite above the old dining room to convert the space into a light-filled double-height lounging area with two bands of generously proportioned glass doors and windows overlooking the sea. She demolished the wall separating kitchen and dining room, transforming them into one vastly expanded open plan, and she also had enormous windows installed in the kitchen to optimize the light and vistas. The absence of the interior wall now deflects attention from the odd way the house bends back away from the shore, replacing it with an airy sense of continuous, fluid flow.

The second floor, which accommodates the primary suite and two guest rooms (there are another two downstairs), had formerly been accessed by a stairway behind the kitchen. But Wilson designed a new, modern staircase with a metal rail and open risers to ensure transparency for views and situated it at the other end of the house, giving the primary suite private access and leaving the old stair for reaching the guest rooms. This posed a tricky maneuver for Geoffrey Bowley, principal of Bowley Builders, in addition to the rigorous nature of modern architecture, where the desire for clean lines precludes ornamentation that can hide imperfect meeting points. “There’s nowhere to hide,” says Bowley, “no mouldings, no baseboards. Everything had to be coplanar. That puts a high focus on finished elements.”

Another challenge for Bowley was the primary suite bathroom, where mahogany slats on the ceiling continue down walls as cladding. “How all those slats laid out was given a lot of consideration,” he says. “How everything was going to align was done with incredible attention to detail. Every square inch had to be just so.”

White oak floors throughout enhance the sense of continuous flow from one space to the next, and gallery-style white walls make the art collection pop. Another friend of Schudroff, Natalie Marten, whom she had met years ago in the fashion business (when Schudroff was a designer for Calvin Klein), had helped her with the interiors of the Connecticut house. “I knew the house through our friendship, before it was transformed,” says Marten of the Kennebunkport home, where she had stayed on many occasions. “It was very old-school, though the modern element of the art was always there.” Marten saw her task as designing interiors that would allow the art and the views to speak loudest. After all, it’s hard to compete with powerhouse art by Robert Motherwell (another personal friend and neighbor), Andy Warhol, the afore- mentioned Max, Amy Cordova, and James Havard, as well as individual works by Schudroff herself.

“Bebe loves turquoise and green, which was perfect with the ocean,” says Marten. These colors show up in upholstery for custom sofas throughout the house, in everyday dishware, and in ceramic Buddha heads in a bathroom. Some colors were pulled directly from the artworks in individual rooms. For instance, at the nexus between kitchen and lounging area is an Arne Jacobsen Swan chair upholstered in deep purple, which is the background color of a graffiti-like painting by Schudroff above it. The green of a custom sectional sofa can also be seen in the James Havard painting that hangs above it. Much of the furniture was from Ralph Lauren’s prolific collections. The high-gloss polished mahogany headboard with built-in tables in the primary suite is just one example. “It’s a throwback to the 1940s era,” says Marten, which she ramped up with silver elements. A downstairs bedroom that she describes as “an ode to Americana with a beautiful vintage feeling” is appointed with Ralph Lauren wicker furniture.

Within the newly opened-up, naturally lit rooms, concludes Marten, “It was really about taking treasures they’ve collected and loved over the years and creating vignettes throughout the home.”

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